Monday, October 6, 2014

60 Day Beachbody Challenge: Day 1

Today is the first day of my Beachbody Get Fit Challenge. I am so ready for this and so glad that I am doing in through most of the holiday season. While I love a good mini candy bar and LOVE pecan pie at Thanksgiving, I am about 1 year post partum. The last thing I need are a million mini candy bars and pecan pie if I want to get back in shape. Round is a shape.... just not the shape I want to be!

So today I woke up bright and early to get my PiYo workout in. Middle 1 wakes up at 6:15 am to get on the school bus by 6:50 am, so I have to get up pretty early to get the workout done before it's time to start waking up the family. It wasn't too bad - I'm sure I will be ready for bed by 9 tonight, though!

I will tell you, I did not feel like the "Align" workout was much of a workout. It was a great explanation of all the moves that I know I'll be doing as the workouts progress - but not a workout. So I took Oldest to school and then headed to the gym with Middle 2. He had a good time playing with his gym friends while I took at HIIT/strength class with mine. It was a GREAT workout.

I'm feeling like this Challenge is getting off to a good start. I feel great physically, I feel fully committed mentally, I feel very positive about the next 59 days!

Here is what is on the menu for me today:

Breakfast: 2 eggs, over medium - cooked in 1 tsp of coconut oil with sauteed kale and yellow squash (about one cup total) with half a banana.

Post Workout Snack: 1/2 cup of egg whites mixed with 1/2 cup of pumpkin - microwaved for 2 minutes with cinnamon to make a little pumpkin pudding :-)

Lunch: One Chicken with pineapple and bacon sausage with about 3 cups of mixed veggies - broccoli, carrots, squash and mushrooms that I steamed and seasoned really well.

Dinner: Making some stuffed bell peppers tonight with lean/grass fed ground beef and no rice in mine. I will make the rest with rice for the family and will add some cheddar cheese to theirs as well.

I have an apple on reserve for the afternoon if my lunch doesn't hold me over.

I am not following the 1200 calorie meal plan because I am not trying to lose weight. I am using the maintenance plan for 1400 calories. I am also planning on avoiding dairy as much as possible, along with any added sweeteners - even the calorie free stuff. No gluten for this girl, either. I am going to keep this up for 30 days, then start to add back in some dairy and some gluten free grains for the final 30. I'm really hoping to jump start the fat loss for this first 30 days with lots of veggies, some fruits and lots of lean meats.

My total calorie break down for the day looks like this (per My Fitness Pal):

Total Fat: 40 grams
Carbs: 115 grams
Protein: 82 grams

I HAVE NOT been eating this clean in a while. Normally I'm cramming chocolate chips and various other things in my face while I'm cooking dinner or making lunch for the kids. I've been taking in more than my allotted amount of lattes lately, as well - not to mention the almost daily trips to Pinkberry. I'm going to be feeling this over the next few days. But I'm really looking forward to getting past this week and into the next week. I know I will have more energy and be feeling more able to take care of myself and my family.

Day one is half way finished! See you again tomorrow!


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