Sunday, September 28, 2014

Preparing For Our Challenge Step 2: Diet

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We are 8 days out from starting our 60 Day Challenge! I am getting really excited to start and have been practicing my PiYo moves so I can help you along the way. Exercise is important during our challenge, for sure. I would say, however, that your DIET is going to be just as important if not more important over the next 60 days. You absolutely cannot eat what ever you want and expect to regain your health by simply adding exercise. Great health starts with what you put into your body to fuel it and nourish it.

So what can you do to prepare? Regardless of the Beachbody Challenge Pack you purchase, all of the diet plans recommend that you eat whole foods. So what is a whole food? It is a food that comes from the ground or animal that is not processed or very, very minimally processed. Larabars are examples of foods that are very, very minimally processed. Knowing this is what you are going to be eating solely for the next 60 days, it is a good idea to start eating more whole foods now and slowly trying to increase your intake every day until the challenge starts. Go out and buy vegetables and lean meats that you know you already enjoy eating and have one meal per day that is made entirely of these ingredients. No processed foods. No added sugar. Nothing that isn't on the diet plan.

While you are increasing your intake of whole foods and foods recommended on your diet plan, you should start to decrease things you know you won't be able to eat. If every day you enjoy a chocolate chip cookie (or three) or bowl of ice cream, let's work on eliminating those things now. I would recommend cutting one to two processed or off plan foods from your diet every day. Taking these steps will allow you to make the transition to eating entirely from your meal plan over an entire week as opposed to having to make such a huge change in one day. It will also prepare your body for clean eating. If you choose not to do this, your detox phase - which is the few days it takes your body to transition to whole foods and eliminate built up toxins - will be longer and much more painful.

I would also recommend starting to toss out the things in your pantry and refrigerator that you know you shouldn't be eating or won't be able to eat after next week. Please don't eat them! If you feel like you need to give them away so they don't go to waste, that is a better option than putting those things into your body now. Get rid of that junk!

This is an exciting time! A healthier lifestyle is so worth the work it takes to make the transition. If you prepare yourself now for the big changes ahead, those changes won't feel quite so big and you will able to ensure your success over the entire 60 day period.

I am so looking forward to digging into this Challenge with you! Thanks for entering into this time with me! Here's to a healthier YOU!


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