Monday, September 22, 2014

Welcome! Only Two Weeks to Our Challenge!

Hi! Welcome to Mom of Four Gets Fit! I'm Tricia and I am a new Beachbody Coach. I will be chronicling my journey through my first PiYo Beachbody Challenge and hopefully inspiring you to do the same!

Before we start talking fitness, I would like to tell you a little about myself and why I became a Beachbody Coach. The first thing you should know about me is that I love Jesus. When I say I love Jesus, I mean that I follow Him. With my life, with my heart, with everything I do - I do it like I am doing it for Jesus. That will include anything I do here - I will do it to the best of my ability because I am doing it for Jesus. If you ever, ever want to talk more about that or how Jesus saved me, I would LOVE to talk about this with you. Just let me know!

The next thing you should know about me is that I am a happily married mom of four. I love my husband and kiddos with all my heart. They keep me busy, but I adore them all!

Finally, I am committed to my health and fitness. I made a decision after my second child that I wasn't going to let having children decide how much I would weigh or how fit I would be. I had always been an "exerciser," but never a healthy eater and never committed to my own health or well-being. But after that second baby, I just knew that the only way I would ever be healthy is to fully commit. That decision was life changing. Since that then, I have had two more children and it has made all the difference in being able to lose that weight. I have committed to a lifestyle of healthy eating AND exercise. You will NEVER have the body or fitness level that you want without fully committing to both!

Now, why would I become a Beachbody Coach? I am busy. For real. Why would I add this kind of thing to my life? Well, the answer is really simple. I am passionate about health and fitness. I feel like physically, I really am the best version of myself right now. I feel better than I ever have and I know when I have eaten something that is adversely effecting my body/health. I never, ever have to wonder if what I am eating is making me more healthy or less healthy. I know and I can make decisions about what I eat based on that. I control my food and what goes into my body - my cravings and brain chemicals do not control me. Knowing what an outstanding feeling this is - I just want to share it with others. I want YOU to be able to feel what it is like to not be controlled by your food cravings! I want YOU to be able to feel what it is like to know you are healthy and are treating yourself the way you deserve to be treated!

 Honestly, that is what this is about. As moms, we give of ourselves constantly. And we should - we should be constantly giving of ourselves to our kids and husbands. However, we can get so wrapped up in giving to others that we treat ourselves poorly. We don't make time to eat healthy, life giving foods. We don't make time to exercise. We don't make time to do good for US! If you do this for too long, though, guess what? You aren't going to be giving your best self to your kids, either! They need you to be treating yourself well so that you can treat them well! I want to inspire other moms to make time for themselves to eat healthy and exercise so they can feel their very best and then give that to their families!

So that is why I'm doing this - to show other moms of one child or 18 of them - that you CAN DO THIS! You can eat healthy foods! You can make time to exercise! YOU ARE WORTH IT! And you will be so happy that you made the decision to commit to your health. I know you will!

 Some of you will be doing the Challenge to lose weight. The official Facebook Challenge is called Lose 15 by 2015. However, this challenge isn't only for people who want to lose weight. I don't particularly need to lose any weight. I do, however, want to increase my muscle tone and get my diet back in check after vacation. If you have similar goals - this Challenge is most definitely for you as well!

 Over the next two weeks, I'm going to do a couple of things. First, I'm going to share what I am doing to get ready for the Challenge. I'm going to start preparing my body, my pantry and getting things in order to have the most success over the 60 days. 60 days is a long time - we need to be doing everything we can to ensure we will be successful! I'm going to talk you through what that looks like and we are going to get prepared together!

 Right before we start, I'll take my before pictures and my body measurements. Then, on October 6 we are going to do this! We will get lean and take control of our fitness!

I really can't wait to get started. I hope that by me demonstrating that this Challenge can be done even if you have kids, even if you don't think you have time, even with all the even ifs - that you will know you can do this, too! See you all soon!!


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