Thursday, September 25, 2014

Preparing for Your Challenge Step 1: Commit!

Good Afternoon, Challengers! As you are beginning to prepare for your challenge, there are some steps that you should take to help ensure your success. The very first and most important step is to COMMIT!

Hopefully, you have purchased your challenge pack. You know what workout you want to do for the next 60 days and you have your fitness/health goal in mind. Now, you need to promise YOURSELF that you are going to stick to this workout and lifestyle change for 60 days. Doing this will more than guarantee your success. If you get your mind right now - today - this second - that you are going to stick with this challenge you will succeed.

As I have been talking with women about Beachbody and why they think they can't commit to a work out routine, I hear over and over again that the time commitment is what keeps them from moving forward. No one - not any one - thinks they have the time to commit to themselves. We are all so busy with our kids, with ministries, with jobs, with life to give ourselves 30 minutes. And let's face it - after everything you do for your families each day, you are TIRED. I get it. TRUST me. I get it.

But consider this: exercising and changing your eating habits will actually give you  MORE ENERGY. I know this to be fact as well! Not only will it give you more energy and help you feel better about you, it will also improve your mood. My kids know when I am in a foul mood one of two things hasn't gone down that day: I either haven't had my quiet time, or I haven't had my workout.

So, if you are still considering completing a Beachbody Challenge or if you aren't sure if you can fully commit for any reason, let me encourage you. YOU CAN DO THIS! It is okay to take this time for yourself. It is okay to commit to spending 30 minutes on YOU each day to improve your health, your well-being, to build self-confidence and to make sure you are around to take care of those families you love so dearly. What better gift could you give your kids than your good health and a good example for them to follow?

Today, as you consider your preparations - fully COMMIT. Completely. Agree to give this challenge 100%. You won't regret it!


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