Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Beachbody 60 Day Challenge: Day 9

Good Afternoon, Challengers! Today is a good day to be getting stronger and healthier!!

I will tell you why. Tuesday is a ministry day for me - I am a part of a Community Bible Study class that meets in my area. I handle a few small duties in the ministry - but it usually requires me to physically carry some heavy items up and down the stairs. I also do A LOT of running around on Tuesdays. Much. Lots. Many steps. It can really wear a girl out!

Today as I was leaving our meeting spot, I had to carry my 11 month old in her car seat, a suit case full of my lap top and all of my supplies, my bag, Baby Girl's bag - down the stairs - in high heels! I was able to carry it all out to my car without help and didn't want to die when I got there. It's never during my exercise that I feel the results of my workouts. It's always in moments out with my kids like today that I can see the difference exercise makes in my body.

I am having a good day menu-wise. I'm feeling much better than I was last week. I have so much more energy and am enjoying my food a lot more. I'm hungrier and find myself craving the veggies and fruits that I am buying - not just getting them down when I really want to eat something else. I'm also feeling more full at night - not so much like snacking.

I hate a GREAT PiYo workout this morning. My lower body is so sore. My core is also very sore. Like shoulders to hips sore. I LOVE how those workouts make my body feel. I really enjoy working muscles in a way I never have. I know I'm going to see changes in my body that I have never seen as a result of working those muscles that I didn't know I had!

Here's what is on my plate today:

Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs, 1 scrambled egg white, 2 cups of zucchini and squash, topped with a campari tomato. I'm out of bacon. Boo.

Lunch: Shakeology with 1 cup of almond milk. Delish!

Snack: Coconut Cream Pie Larabar on my way to pick up Middle 2 from Pre-K. When I got home I was still hungry so I snacked on some broccoli, too.

Dinner: Baked chicken thigh, no skin with roasted sweet potato and roasted butternut squash with another side of broccoli.

How are you feeling in your second week? Are you feeling your results yet?

See you back here tomorrow!


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