Saturday, October 18, 2014

Beachbody 60 Day Challenge: Day 12 and 13

Good Morning, Challengers!

I wasn't able to post yesterday - it was just a super busy day around here. So I'll be combining yesterday and today.

Overall, yesterday was a great day. The business of yesterday just highlighted for me how important it is that I wake up early to get my workouts in. If I hadn't gotten up yesterday and gotten in knocked out, it wouldn't have been done. Getting up before everyone else when I am tired and really just want to stay in bed isn't the most fun. But it is worth the sacrifice! I'm really loving these PiYo workouts and the effect they are having on my body. I have been exercising consistently now for 10 years at least 3 days a week. I can honestly say that using these DVD's is the first time that I have seen the kind of results that I am seeing in my body. I have tried every kind if diet and exercise and I promise you, this is the most toned and defined I have ever been. And I'm only 2 weeks in! It makes me so excited to see how these next 6 weeks transform my body.

After my workout, I spent the day running errands and taking care of the kiddos. It was a fun day of picking out Halloween costumes and getting our grocery shopping knocked out. I still managed to stay within my meal plan even with all of the chaos. I'm so glad that I did.

Here's what I ate yesterday:

Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs, one egg white, 2 turkey sausage patties and sauteed zucchini. I had my cup of coffee with some coconut cream from Trader Joe's. So. Yummy.

Lunch: Sauteed chicken sausage with the last of my roasted butternut squash and sweet potatoes and lots and lots of sauteed spinach. I cooked the spinach with the sausage and added the roasted squash and potatoes just to warm them up at the very end. I topped it all with a few sliced of tomato and avocado.

Dinner: I had an apple with a giant salad. The base of the salad was a mix of kale and spinach. I topped it with two hard boiled eggs, pickled beets, green and black olives, craisins and balsamic vinaigrette. Sounds weird. I know. I had to make the salad quick at a salad bar while holding Baby Girl. I could only reach what I could reach :-) Still yummy.

Today has been a bit slower, thank goodness. I was able to get up and get my workout in, but didn't have to get up nearly as early. I made myself breakfast and had my coffee before any one else rolled out of bed - which was super nice. Very relaxing and quiet! When everyone woke up, I made them breakfast and then was able to get myself ready for the rest of our day. I cleaned up the house a bit and soon we will be on our way to Oldest's martial arts practice. This afternoon will be a play date with Middle 1 and Middle 2 - we are heading over to a good friend's house to play and have snacks. So fun!

Tonight for dinner we are having beef stew. I love beef stew. I love Fall and being able to cook beef stew! It's on the stove already - cooking and getting all thick and delicious. I loaded it with veggies and spices and now we just have to wait until dinner.

Here's the official plate today:

Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs, one turkey sausage, butternut squash and yellow squash. Topped with tomato. More coconut cream in my coffee.

Lunch: chicken sausage and veggies in a pure wrap with avocado. I bought these Pure Wraps made of coconut meat that I have been wanting to try. I'll let you know how it goes!

Dinner: BEEF STEW - with potatoes, carrots, and onion and beef and lots of seasoning. Cooked in beef broth. Did I mention I love beef stew?

I had my husband take a picture this morning of my new abs - they are brand new! I've never had this kind of definition in my stomach and had given up hope that I would - especially after having 4 babies! I can't wait to see the difference in 6 more weeks!

13 Day Results!

See you all tomorrow!


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