Monday, October 13, 2014

Beachbody 60 Day Challenge: Days 6, 7 and 8!

I didn't blog this weekend. I feel shame. That's a lie - I don't feel shame. I didn't even get a chance to remember I didn't write anything up until last night. And that just wasn't going to change until today :-) Between sporting events, church and my husband working all weekend, there just wasn't any time for blogging. I did get all my workouts in - which I was thankful for, though.

I was feeling refreshed on Saturday after having a great rest day on Friday. I woke up before the kiddos and got my PiYo workout in. Just as I was finishing up everyone woke up and I made some breakfast for the masses. Everyone likes something different around here - there was cereal for one, an omelet for another, toast and juice for one guy, and eggs and bacon for the Hubs. Then I jetted off with 2 of my 4 to watch my oldest at his Kung Fu and Sanda classes. Then home to cook dinner and have some whole family time.

Here's what I ate on Saturday:

Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs with spinach and zucchini and one slice of bacon. I love bacon.

Lunch: Subway - spinach salad with double meat chicken and all the veggies. All. The. Veggies.

Dinner: I had Sausage and Peppers again with some roasted veggies. I roasted up a whole mess of sweet potatoes and butternut squash for the week. Me and Baby Girl ate those with our dinner. The husband ordered pizza for dinner because college football = Papa John's. I stopped trying to understand his math a long time ago.

On Sunday, we had church at 9. I woke up early again and got my workout in, then had to have a quick shower and get myself ready so I could get everyone else ready. The Hubs had to work again on Sunday, so I was on my own getting everyone to church, which meant easy breakfasts all around. My kids aren't huge fans of eating a big meal as soon as they wake up, so I was able to get them some yogurt and toast and get them on their way. I still had my eggs - because I love eggs and I LOVE having a big breakfast! It was a rainy morning here in Atlanta, so I made everyone grilled cheese and tomato soup for lunch. I had more roasted veggies and sausages. Then for dinner my husband - finally free from his never ending database testing - grilled us up some flank steak for dinner. It was DELICIOUS.

Here's everything all laid out nice and pretty:

Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs with zucchini and yellow squash. And bacon. MMMM... bacon.

Lunch: Sausage with roasted squash and sweet potato.

Dinner: Flank steak, grilled, with broccoli and carrots.

I woke up early this morning and knocked out my PiYo workout for the day. The power was out where I am when I normally get up, so my workout got off to a late start. It all turned out, though - the power kicked back on just in time for me to get my workout in before I had to get the kiddos up for school. After I got Middle 1 and Oldest off to school, Middle 2, Baby Girl and I hit the zoo. Middle 2 is learning about Safari animals at his preschool, so it was neat to take him to see the animals he has been learning all about. We walked for 3 hours around that place... it was a fun time!

Here's what is on my plate for today:

Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs with bacon, zucchini and yellow squash.

Lunch: Leftover flank steak with roasted squash and sweet potatoes.

Dinner: Homemade chili - with my own seasoning and stuff. I loosely follow this recipe:

I use grass-fed ground beef instead of ground chuck. The rest of the family does make frito pies with the chili - so I cook it up to adding the beans for myself, then ladle out a cup or two just for me. Then I add the beans and masa as the recipe calls for - I have enough for me without the things I'm eliminating from my diet right now and enough for everyone else. It works out really well!

Going into week 2, I am feeling much better than I was on Friday. I feel like I can see a change in my body already. I am noticing more tone and strength as I'm doing my PiYo workouts. I still can't do a good, full triceps push-up. I'm hoping that changes in the very near future!

I hope you all had a great weekend and are enjoying this challenge as much as I am! Here's to a new YOU in 7 more weeks!!

See you all tomorrow!


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