Friday, October 10, 2014

Beachbody 60 Day Challenge: Day 5


Yahoo! Today was the BEST day to be a rest day. I had no where to go, nothing to do and was happy to do just that! My three oldest went off to school today and I stayed home with my little Baby Girl and just enjoyed her today. It was looooovely.

Today was a great rest day for another reason: the carb flu has hit full force. Combine this with my allergies and I was feeling less than stellar today. I probably will take a walk this afternoon - but it has been good to focus on drinking lots of water and get all these nasties worked out of my system.

I was feeling particularly discouraged at lunch time today. Feeling rough is no fun. I was very tempted to just call it quits on the diet. I mean, I don't have to be so strict for the next 25 days to get to my goals. I could probably eat a little off-plan and  not do that much harm.

So I cracked open my all time favorite book on nutrition, It Starts With Food. Dallas and Melissa Hartwig do a great job explaining why our brains react the way they do to food. I went straight to the end, right to the part I knew I needed. An excerpt from the book reads as follows:

"Please don't tell us this program is hard. Quitting heroin is hard. Beating cancer is hard. Birthing a baby is hard. Drinking your coffee black. Is. Not. Hard. you have no excuse not to complete the program as written. It's only thirty days, and its for the most important health cause on earth - the only physical body you will have in this lifetime."

I was reminded that I feel this poorly because my body is healing. I have damaged it with my poor food choices and now it is regrouping and relearning how to use the food I am providing it. I am only a few days away from feeling better than I have felt in a long time. I am only a few days away from falling asleep more quickly, enjoying a more restorative sleep, and having more energy throughout the day that doesn't have to be fueled by coffee and adrenaline! I also have a better body composition and looking better in my clothes to look forward to!

I'm back on track and - while still feeling pretty TIRED - I'm ready to keep going and hold on for the results!

Here's what's on my plate today:

Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs with one egg white, zucchini and green peppers. I added some bacon and tomato to the top of my egg scramble today. I was hungry :-)

Lunch: Butternut squash soup with grilled chicken. I finished off my soup today. I'm going to be busy this weekend cooking up some of my other veggies for some pre-made goodies to get me through next week.

Snack: Apple with 1 1/2 tsp almond butter.

Dinner: Probably sausage and peppers again with broccoli. It was yummy and I am too tired to get creative tonight :-)

Looking forward to another workout tomorrow and getting on the upside of this detox!

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